What is God Like?

“What comes into our minds when we
think about God is the most important thing about us.” –A.W. Tozer, The
Knowledge of the Holy
(New York: HarperCollins, 1961)


I’ve read or heard this quote by
A.W. Tozer multiple times in the last month. 
Let me just say that God’s most common method of speaking to me is persistence
because I can be slow at connecting the dots. 
So when a message repeatedly shows up I’ve learned to pay attention.
Even though I noticed its
repetition, the statement didn’t mean much to me until the recent Women of
Faith conference.  If you view God as
angry or judgmental you’re likely to be hard on yourself, critical of others
and carry feelings of guilt or shame.  If
your God is loving and forgiving, you probably have a more positive, hopeful
outlook.  If you believe you are a
treasured, beautiful child of God you definitely have a stronger sense of
self-worth.  What you believe about God
changes everything.
What is your first impression when
you think about God?  Be honest and don’t
think about right or wrong answers.  Your
initial thought is more likely what you believe
Him to be like.  How is that image
shaping your attitudes and actions?


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