Who Are You Becoming?

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.
Psalm 25:4 (NLT)
Show me the way, God.
I read this psalm every day as I write. It’s a participatory prayer. First I need a desire to reach His destination. Then I need to pay attention, see the directional signs, and follow. It’s not as much where I’m going as who I’m becoming – more like Jesus and devoted to His service. It’s a far off goal, friends, but I’m plodding along.
To this end, I’ve been reading Lysa Terkheurst’s book The Best Yes, while also participating in an online Impact and Influence Summit. The two came together yesterday when Lysa quoted Bob Goff, one of the summit speakers and author of Love Does. Their topics merged around these questions:
  • What do you want to be known for?
  • What words do people use to describe you?
  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What will you do today to become that person?
Choose your legacy and head in that direction.
The way people describe you also describes your impact in the world. If their words don’t match the person you hope to be, something needs to change. In The Best Yes Lysa writes: If you want people to use such great words to describe you, think about the decisions you are making.
How are your decisions leading people to describe you? Great descriptions are birthed from great decisions. The decisions we make, make the lives we live. If we want to live better, we’ve got to decide better.                                                                                                                                                         What will you do today to become that person?
#SeedsOfScripture #followJesus #selfdiscovery @LysaTerheurst @BobGoff #InfluenceImpact


  1. CHERRILYNN BISBANO on October 19, 2015 at 9:54 AM

    Food for thought. thank you so much. I am praying this prayer now. I remember hearing a sermon on decisions. It caused me to think before I act. Thanks for the reminder.

    • CathyChung on October 19, 2015 at 1:45 PM

      People want this big sign from God directing their lives, but God is guiding us through the small things with nudges. We have to pay attention and practice with the small stuff to prepare us for the big call.

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